A plan for Robbins Park (Coming Soon)
What is Transit-Oriented Development?
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is a concept that encourages a mix of development by including housing, office, retail, parks, and other civic uses within a short walking distance of a train station or bus stop (generally within a half-mile radius or ten-minute walk). TOD increases mobility options for residents, workers, and visitors with diverse housing options, nearby retail, cultural centers, and jobs.
To learn more about Transit-Oriented Development, click here.
About the Robbins Park TOD and Industrial Area Plan
Robbins Park will be a 52-acre park that functions as a recreational space and a stormwater management system. Its main feature is a retention “lake” that collects water from the Cal-Sag floodplain. The lake will be surrounded by 30 acres of parkland a half mile north of the Robbins Metra Station. The drainage of floodwater in that area will prime the space for new developments near the station. In addition, the plan also incorporates 17-acres of vacant industrial land to the west of the future Robbins Park to draw on the community’s development potential.

News and Information
Plan and Planning Documents
Progress Updates

More Information Coming Soon

More Information Coming Soon
Project Contacts
Darren E. Bryant, Mayor of The Village of Robbins
Email - dbryant@robbins-il.com
(708) 385-8940, Extension: 223
Dominic Argumedo, CMAP Senior Planner, Project Manager
Email - dargumedo@cmap.illinois.gov

Village of Robbins, IL
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)